Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)
President: John Wong

Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)

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Analysis of Sequence Codes of Minute Co-ordinates (U,Z) and Numerology (N)

The `U-coordinate' of 10-Minute Code on X-axis

The `Z-coordinate' of 10-Minute Code on Y-axis

Analysis of 10-Minute Codes (MiC): Table #1

Analysis of 10-Minute Codes (MiC): Table #2

Analysis of 10-Minute Codes (MiC): Table #3
01: AA02: BB03: CC04: DD05: EE06: FF07: GG08: HH09: II10: JJ
11: AK12: BL13: CA14: DB15: EC16: FD17: GE18: HF19: IG20: JH
21: AI22: BJ23: CK24: DL25: EA26: FB27: GC28: HD29: IE30: JF
31: AG32: BH33: CI34: DJ35: EK36: FL37: GA38: HB39: IC40: JD
41: AE42: BF43: CG44: DH45: EI46: FJ47: GK48: HL49: IA50: JB
51: AC52: BD53: CE54: DF55: EG56: FH57: GI58: HJ59: IK60: JL

Analysis of 10-Minute Codes (MiC): Table #4

The Minute Set Formula (MiS): h=2ZH-1+Z/6 (Mod 24)
ExplanationAssume `y' is the solar year after `Joint of February', roughly on 4th of February in Gregorian calendar, and `m' is the solar month after `Joint of Month'. If the date is before `Joint of Month', the value of `m' is equal to previous month. If the `Year Code' (YC) and `Month Code' (MC) of two dates are same, the `Day Code' (DC) is (UD,ZD), `d' is the number of days counting from 1st of January of the year (y). `d1' is the value of `d' calculated from the value of Stem of Day (UD) and `d2' is the value of `d' calculated from the value of Root of Day (ZD). If d1=d2 and the months (m) are same, the two dates belong to same `Time Set'. The Day Set Formulae are: d1=UD+5-365(y-1)-I[(y-1)/4]+I[(y-1)/100]-I[(y-1)/400]+I[(y-1)/3225] (Mod 10) & d2=ZD+10-365(y-1)-I[(y-1)/4]+I[(y-1)/100]-I[(y-1)/400]+I[(y-1)/3225] (Mod 12). `d=(Mod 10)' is a special modulated function such that the smallest value of it is 1 and the largest value of it is 10. If d>10 then `d' becomes `d-10' and if d<1 then `d' becomes `d+10'. Thus, the value range of `d=(Mod 10)' is from 1 to 10. `d=(Mod 12)' is another modulated function such that if d>12 then `d' becomes `d-12' and if d<1 then `d' becomes `d+12'. Thus, the value range of `d=(Mod 12)' is from 1 to 12. The `Minute Set' Formula is used to find the time in hours from `Minute Code' (MiC). The `Minute Code' is expressed in the form of `Minute Co-ordinates' (U,Z). If the `Hour Code' is (UH,ZH), the `Minute Code' is (U,Z) and `h' is the time reckoning in a 24-hour system of a date, the Minute Set Formula is: h=2ZH-1+Z/6 (Mod 24). In `Prediction Technology and Forensic Mathematics' (PT&FM), `Time Set' is a set of time which has same `Time Codes'. If the precision of time in the `Time Set' is 10 minutes, it is a `Minute Set'. The time in `Minute Set' is sexagesimal. The `Time Codes' of months, days and times in the `Set' are same but years are different. So, they are classified as a set. For example, the `Time Codes' (TC) of 3:00a.m. on 30th June, 1951 and 3:09a.m. on 15th June, 2011 are regarded as identical because they are in same 10-minute interval. TC=H3A6H1G2C0. The Numerology (N) is N=2831382713. These two data of time belong to same `Time Set' because they are in same 10-minute interval. In the `Minute Code' (U,Z), `U' is the `Stem' of the `Minute Code' and `Z' is the `Root' of the `Minute Code' where `U' and `Z' are integers. The value of `U' shows the alphabetical order of the letter that it represents. For values of `U' which stands for time interval of 10 minutes, 1 is `A', 2 is `B', 3 is `C', 4 is `D', 5 is `E', 6 is `F', 7 is `G', 8 is `H', 9 is `I', 10 is `J'. So, (1,0)=A0, (2,1)=B1, (3,2)=C2, and so on. The value of `Z' is the Root of Minute Code. It stands for time interval of 10 minutes. For `Z' values, 0 is `A', 1 is `B', 2 is `C', 3 is `D', 4 is `E', 5 is `F', 6 is `G', 7 is `H', 8 is `I', 9 is `J', 10 is `K', 11 is `L'. So, (1,0)=1A, (2,1)=2B, (3,2)=3C, and so on. For all in terms of alphabets, (1,0)=AA, (2,1)=BB, (3,2)=CC, and so on. The value of `Z' also shows the location and direction of 10 minutes. It is equal to the Zone Number (Z) in the space of the universe. `h=(Mod 24)' is a modulated function such that if h=24 or h>24 then `h' becomes `h-24' and if h<0 then `h' becomes `h+24'. Thus, the value range of `h=(Mod 24)' is from 0 to a number smaller than 24.
ExampleIf the Time Code (TC) of a time strap in a specified year y=1958 is `E10F7D11H11A6', find the time in Gregorian calendar. The Time Code (TC) is `E10F7D11H11A6' means the Numerology (N) is `3556244831'. The Year Code is YC=E10 and it can represent y=1958. The Month Code is MC=F7 and `7' is the Root of Month Code, `m'. So, m=7. It means the 7th month in Gregorian calendar. That is July. The Day Code (DC) is `D11'. The Stem of Day Code (UD) is UD=4 because `D' is the fourth letter in alphabetical order. The Root of Day Code (ZD) is ZD=11. Firstly, find out the date which lies in the month (m) as well as `d1' and `d2' both satisfies the `Day Set Formulae'. The date is 9th July, 1958. Then, appy the `Minute Set' Formula to find the time of the `Time Code'. The `Hour Code' (HC) is `H11'. The Stem of Hour Code (UH) is UH=8 because `H' is the eighth letter in alphabetical order. The Root of Hour Code (ZH) is ZH=11. The `Minute Code' (MiC) is `A6'. The Stem of Minute Code (U) is U=1 because `A' is the first letter in alphabetical order. The Root of Minute Code (Z) is Z=6. Apply the `Minute Set' Formula, h=2ZH-1+Z/6 (Mod 24). h=2x11-1+6/6 (Mod 24). h=22-1+1 (Mod 24). h=22 (Mod 24). h=22. The time is 10:00p.m. on 9th July, 1958.

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